Swayamwar marriage and counseling bureau came into existence (around 1992) as a result of strong desire to do social activity keeping in mind the lack of societal contacts. It is promoted by Smt. Dharmistaben Kirtikantbhai Nanavati.
She is always eager to help people and gets indulged in various social activities. She is also associated with various social organizations like, Lion International, Sarvar Mandal and so on. She also organizes free legal aid for matrimonial disputes.
The funds earned by Swayamwar marriage and counseling bureau is used for charitable purpose through S. M. Nanavati Trust for the benefit of the underprivileged. Along with other numerous charities in education and medical fields the trust is also supporting an old age home in Sola Bhagvat Vidhyapith.
We do not have any branches anywhere. Please beware of imitators who may be using SWAYAMWAR as part of their marriage bureau's name. SWAYAMWAR COMPUTERISED MARRIAGE BUREAU is a trade mark of S. M. Nanavati Public Charitable Trust registered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999.
Since 2014, we have 6000+ New registration from countries like US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. We have more than 500 candidates who found their soul mates through us per year.